Sunday, March 27, 2011

you gotta feel this... in your duodenum.

yeah, this guy's amazing. our friend sent this video to jon and i'm re-posting cause i love it. reggie's voice rivals prince (which i don't say often)... and then... he's funny too. wait til he starts dancing. i'm crushin.


  1. um, just one question...what's a duodenum?i loved it. i didn't understand what he was saying for most of it, but i loved it. the hair, the sweater, the celebrating brownness. and the voice-totally prince-like. good find.

  2. yeah, i think most of it is jibberish and then when you can understand it, he's talking about pancreases and duodenums. heart. i wish my sexy dancing looked like his.

  3. How often do you hear someone groovin' about a section of your colon? Pretty darn funny. And yeah, love those moves. And the hair. Thanks for the laugh Hill.

  4. righteous moves...and useful information should anyone attack me with a blade. and the brown brotha's got soul. loved it.
