Sunday, March 13, 2011

one ostrich 5 ways

ostriches are really cool.  did you know they can run up to 43 miles an hour and can run at this speed for up to half an hour?  did you know they are the second fastest animal living?  did you know their fossils date back over 120 million years?  just one of their eggs can equal up to 24 chicken eggs, and they do not bury their heads in the sand but they do lie low and press their necks into the ground in order to be less noticeable in defense, which kind of cracks me up.  (what?! ostrich? where?)  ostrich meat is a red meat and is really low in cholesterol, calories and is almost free of fat.  their immune systems are one of the most advanced known to mankind, and also, if you look up pictures of ostriches online and see the one where the ostrich has a mouthful of teeth...  it's not real.  :(  cause birds don't have teeth. but maybe someone thought it was.  and maybe her husband still teases her about it.  but the picture is pretty convincing.

 i gave these to sissy and she framed them and put them in her wee babe's room. i like.